Thursday, April 15, 2010

freshly cut

This morning {while Liam napped and Evan rode his bike in the cul-de-sac} I mowed the lawn, and it felt good.

4.14.2010 012

While I mowed the lawn I thought about these things:
{in no particular order}

-how white my legs are
-how I worry too much about my body and need to be more pro-active about NOT caring so much
-a husband that I love with all my heart. He can make me laugh like none other.
-the fact that I know he loves me, even though I really am a stinker sometimes. He gets me, and I get him. I love the connection we have. Truly a gift from God.
-the fact that we have three kids.
-the fact that I've only read one book {from cover to cover} this year. {GASP}
-thankful that I have a lawn to mow.
-DANG! I won an i-pad!
-what the heck that song was that I had memorized and LOVED in high school. It is a pretty random song, but by a girl and I CANNOT REMEMBER IT FOR THE LIFE OF ME.
-that I NEED to get out and about and practice shooting {with a camera that is}
-how good I have it.
-the conversation I had with my cousin a few weeks ago, about how I want to daily, hourly be thinking about Jesus. Mediating on him, enjoying him, and in turn I hope, that I might be more loving, compassionate, and kind.

It was a good morning to mow the lawn.


Megan said...

love it! and i never mow the lawn. i do water the garden and pots, though.

My McDonald Meal said...

Hey Anne! I just love that we've connected. Now we need to in person.
Isn't it funny what we think when we mow the grass? Why is that? That tends to be a deep thinking time for me too. Take care. MM

mspsae said...

So I'm not the only one who find mowing to be good thinking time...

sarah said...

i love how simple, everyday activities like this can be the background to deep, productive thinking.