Evan is 7!
Hard to believe but you are 7 years old and you couldn't be more thrilled. You are definitely the one to get the most excited about your birthday. You talked about it for weeks before hand, and the week of you let everyone you met know it was your birthday week.
You and Max are still the best of friends. You guys play together so well {most of the time} and you are into whatever Max is. {currently Lego Chima and Galaxy Squad...and of course POKEMON} You and Liam, you have your sweet moments together, but you mostly fight. You both are so strong willed and you love to push each others buttons. Declan and you get along great. You are a great helper with him but you ALWAYS love to help with Griffin. You are always wanting to hold him, show him off and make him laugh. And he adores you.
You had a hard time deciding what you wanted for a cake, but in the end decided to go for a Packers cake. It turned out great! Your birthday landed on a Thursday, which is also the same night we have community group and we have been rotating homes this summer so this day it was at the Valentines.
Sweet Aubrey made you a sign and put your initials on a plate for you.
And the cake was delish, chocolate with chocolate mousse layers! Nice choice.
Your Dad and I are so thankful for you. You have brought much laughter to our home. You also have been teaching us patience, you know what you want and sometimes have a hard time dealing with not getting what you want. It's a learning process for all of us!
We are so thankful for your life, for your sweet smile, and giddy laugh.
Thank you for teaching me new things, and helping me to grow as your Mom and as a daughter of Christ. I pray your heart longs for Jesus all your days as you seek to love and serve him.
Hooray for 7! Your best year yet!