Tuesday, March 06, 2007

things to do more of...

Get up earlier...to get more done before the boys are up.

Eat more vegetables. I like them, so why don't I?

Go out of my way to be more kind to others.

Clean the bathtub with more vigor.

Soak up moments with my boys. Good and bad.

Be more creative with what I do have, rather than buying new.

Drink less coffee...at least drink more at home rather than pay too much at Starbucks. (Especially since I know how to make every drink)

Send more snail mail. Who doesn't love a letter?

Spend more quality time with God each day.


Bethany said...

Great list!!!

Anonymous said...

I like "scrub the bathtub with more vigor"! :)

Ashleigh said...

I'm with Danielle! Love that one -- especially since I need to go that too.

Great list. I needed the reminders and motivation today on a day when I'm feeling very, very tired and lazy. Sigh.

sarah said...

great post :)
for me, clean the bathtub AT ALL is on my list...can't get much done these days with a newborn that won't lay down for naps...oh well i hate cleaning anyway! :)

Anonymous said...

These were great. I clean the bathtub absolutely last. I hate it. I actually put the cleaner in, spray it around and then walk away to do something else while it supposedly works its magic and all I have to do is wipe or scrub it off...and then I'm gone for good and forget about it. Ooops.