Friday, June 1 our baby, Declan Paul turned 1! We had a group of friends over, the Bush family( thier 3 boys Issac, Luke, and Owen), the Woodyards ( and thier baby Samuel)the Valentines( and thier kiddos, Calaeb, Clay, Aubrey, and Faith) and Our friend Tara. We got a late start and didn't actually sit down for dinner until about 8, but the kids all had fun playing and Declan fell asleep right as we were ready to eat. There was little left by the end of the meal and on Declan slept. We cut his cake (made by my sweet friend Gina .. Who wasn't able to come with her husband Ryan and daughter lily but brought me the cake)and ate i5 without him and soon after all had left, around 111PM Declan woke up, so we got him up sang Happy Birthday and he opened his gifts and he ate his special Birthday cookie...which he devoured. Max, Liam, and Evan were thrilled to watch him. Around midnight we all headed to bed, completely exhausted and slept until 10 the next morning. It was a fu day.
Declan Paul,
You have brought such joy to our family. Definately our easiest baby from the get go you are always smiling and laughing, it's hard to believe you could be so sweet. You adore your older brothers, having a special relationship with each one of them, it makes our hearts glad.
People are just drawn to you and you love the attention. When you get really excited while talking your Dad and I joke that you sound like an angry German. Cracks us up.
We thank God for you, what a special gift you have been to all of us. we cannot wait to see you become an older brother later this year. Love you sweet boy!
Can't believe he's 1!
Happy Birthday, Declan!! I cannot believe our babies are one!!!
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