Friday, November 30, 2007

oh Evan...

Mornings are not good for me. It takes me a couple cups of coffee and some time to fully wake up. This morning as I began preparing breakfast for the boys I had to laugh as I began pouring this....
Who doesn't love Starbucks berry gum and a sharpie for breakfast?
(I know, Iknow blurry picture, but I grabbed my nearby camera and took the picture left handed and laughing so that I might not mess with the pouring action of our yummy breakfast.)
Then this afternoon I come across this....

He had consumed half of a black crayon! Good thing they were non-toxic.

What fun will I have in store for tommorow? You never know with my little Ev.


Ashleigh said...

Oh, that's too funny! Love the surprises in the cereal box.

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

That made me laugh :) Everyday there is some kind of suprise...
And little crayon eater is to cute.
Evan has such pretty brown eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure his father (or mother ) is putting him up to this, cause he's too cute for this evil behavior descibed here !

Michele said...

Thanks for stopping by. I graduated from Eatern Kentucky University. You are quite a bit younger than me! I was born and raised in Kentucky then moved to Atlanta in 1989. Come back soon.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Hi Anne!
It has been so long since I have commented...I am sorry! I've been slack slack slack!
Seeing Evan with that crayon made me laugh! How can something like that taste nice?! Kaiden has suddenly decided to start licking everything...I caught him outside the other day licking the deck! yum would that be :-(
Funny boys aren't they!

Zoe said...

Hilarious! Love it! Never a dull moment for the Swanos!