Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Out of the whirlwind.

I am finally starting to feel somewhat more calm again. My best friend Nicole called me on Friday morning to update me on her pregnancy and she could sense the stress in my voice. I did not realize how stressed I was until she asked how I was doing persistently. I thought I had done a pretty good job of packing our things for our upcoming two moves until Friday (moving day) came and I realized there was still a lot of random things laying around. I felt like I was in the aftermath of a Tornado that had ripped through our home. I had even gotten rid of a lot of things to goodwill, but we still had a lot. Once you have children it seems the amount of things you have doubles.
Anyway we got it all packed up, not exactly as organized as I would have liked but we got it done. We went to put stuff we would not need at my parents in a friends garage for the next couple of months and then to my parents to unload our stuff to our living quarters for the next few months.
Today is the first day I am starting to feel a little better. We have had a lot going on. A new baby, packing up our place that we loved, the place we first brought our boys home to, Maxwell adjusting to his new home, living with my family (which is wonderful but not being able to have your own place and space is hard when you are used to it), looking for somewhere to live when we move again in a few months, anxiety about moving to a new place, making sure all bills are paid, all servies cancelled, etc. It is a lot! But I honestly think the thing that is bugging me most is our big move away...to the unknown. Where we know nobody, have no church home, have no friends or family close by, and have no idea where the nearest Starbucks and Target is! I really do think that this is a good move for our family, a decision Just and I made together. People keep reminding me it is not permanent and we can always get out if it gets too bad. I know it will be fine, I just hope I love the city, that we get connected to a great church, and that we can feel at home there.

I guess I have been talking about this move a lot lately...it has been on my mind a lot obviously. I have friends who have done this before, and they are fine. I know I can do it too! But if you have any advice, please share it with me! Post a quick comment, or shoot me an e-mail! I just need some reassurance...I am a big pathetic baby.


Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you!!!

I think one thing that helped me was to realize that friendships are a two way thing. So even though I was new as soon as I got other gals numbers I called...often...want to go do this, I am going to go check out this, want to meet here etc etc. I didn't want to just sit and wait for everyone to reach out to me...well I did a little in the begining but I learned. So obviously I know you are going to find a church but go to parks or places moms hang out with kids. Moving is such a great way to get us out of our comfort zone and to meet new people and try new things. It is an adventure. And Anne...this is all coming from a really shy person. I am not naturally outgoing but I do enjoy a new adventure. I think that is the best way to look at moves. I will post more later if I think of any other specifics.


I switched to blogger beta and can't figure out how to sign back in for comments...but it is me Bethany

sarah said...

I've never made such a move so I dont have any advice, but I just wanted to say one thing: I've seen you talk a lot about trusting God with your life...and perhaps this is one worry you can unload onto Him? You have your new family around you for warmth and support, and anything/anyone you gain beyond that is an extra added to that circle.
I have a great feeling you will be fine--i've only met you twice but you eminate a kind, fun, and energetic personality. People will be drawn to that!

Ashleigh said...

Anne, when we moved out to Colorado last year, I didn't know where anything was. But, each day I'd venture out of the house with Olivia and explore. Normally, I'd look up where I wanted to go (Target, Chik-fil-a, etc.) on the Internet and then we'd see if we could find it. I learned our area pretty quickly doing this and got over my fear of venturing into new, unknown places as the driver.

Also, we had to try sevem different churches before finding our home church. Honestly, it was hard and discouraging, but now that we've found our church, the several months of trying church after church was definitely worth it.

We're still working on making close friends here. But like Bethany said, friendships are a two-way thing. I think that's really important to realize. Ted and I had to start being the ones to initiate. Also, I just started attending MOPS. That might be a good way for you to make friends with other moms in similar seasons -- as well as older moms (they have mentor moms).

I'll be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Anne. I lived with my family with my grandparents for a year when my dad didn't have a job. Although I can only remember it from a 13 year olds' perspective, it was still hard. My grandmother is very demanding, my mom was pregnant and had my youngest sister while we were living there, while homeschooling us, and we were all sleeping in their unfinished basement. I'll be praying that the Lord will give you peace and help you see it as a big adventure and opportunities for memory making!

Zoe said...

Anne! Moving Sucks!!! I don't care how organized you think you make a move...it is always messy. Packing, I think, is the worse...WHERE DID ALL THIS STUFF COME FROM!!!

Things that have helped me is to research the area...Do they have a YMCA with mommy and me classes (those classes are really for the mom), MOPS, finding where target or favorite stores are, or like I am into knitting...finding the closest yarn shop....craft shop... Order all the travel brochures online about Kentucky and surrounding area...create some sort of excitement. See if you can find any church websites online or call a few in the area and maybe they can send some brochures or things about their church.
Get the local newspaper sent to you. ..I don't know I guess what I am trying to say is look forward.
It is tough, I won't lie. Right now I am completely homesick...but I know that pretty soon Destin will feel like home and I will find my groove.

Praying for you and your family.