Anyway, this afternoon I pureed away while listening to NPR. I have to admit, it was a fabulous afternoon. The boys ran around outside since it has been so warm out, and I watched them outside the kitchen window while pureeing my butternut squash, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, and broccoli! Tonight I made mac and cheese (with Cauliflower inside) and my boys ate every last bite. I am excited to try the other recipes in the book! So far it has been a great success!
I pureed butternut squash for my boys and froze it into ice cubes for my boys. They really liked it. Next I'm going to do Mango. We had dinner with a friend and she made pizza and put pureed spinach in the sauce and it was excellent!
Okay, I cannot wait to get this book now. Of course, I don't need it for my kids yet ... I need it for Chad! (still mel)
alright peeps, I need to do this.
It is fun huh. HEE HEE. I have been enjoying it too. I am thinking of taking the brownies or cake to care group tonight and not telling them until after....gotta see if I have time after science class this afternoon to make it....if not I am going to the next group for sure.
Glad you like it. Wish you were close and we could all meet and power up the cuisinart together
I am so buying this book!
That is so smart. I always want to use more Veggies for my boys. They are pretty good at eating them, but they don't get enough.
I will have to look into getting the book.
I am jelous you had good weather. We woke up to so much snow. I love the snow, but I am already getting spring fever. I just love going outside.
That is now on my list of things I want to get...I like the new title to your blog...very nice!!!
Great header
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