Tuesday, January 29, 2008


click the pic to look at it bigger.


Anonymous said...

Awww, are they making Valentine's for all their adoring grandpas and grandmas and aunts and uncles?!?!
~grandma jane

Anonymous said...

Love that font you used, one of my faves. Hey, thanks for your recommendation of that Photoshop book a week or so ago. Did you get Photoshop recently, I didn't think you had it before.

I got your email and will respond. I'm just way behind on email due to being sick over the weekend and away all day Monday for a Dr. appointment.

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

What cute brothers. I love the pictures.

I loved your "Rediscovering the Savior" article. What a neat experience to write about and to help others come unto Christ.

I loved that blog it was on. You are a professional :)

Anonymous said...

Your boys are so cute!!!

Bethany said...

So sweet. They are adorable....isn't it great when they start interacting and playing together.

Michele said...

They are so sweet. Will read your Rediscovering the Savior post as soon as I can. It looks awesome. I enjoy your blog. Might be traveling to KY soon for my sister's surgery. She lives near Lexington.

sarah said...

i love the innocence these pictures portray. what beautiful kids you have!

congrats on your recent publication. SO COOL! :)