Wednesday, May 28, 2008

ready for summer.

This afternoon the boys and I had a picnic outside and played. It was SO gorgeous out. Bring on summer!


Mike, Torie and Boys said...

I am so ready for summer. We will get 2 or 3 good days and then rain or snow for a week. I just want it to be warm.
Cute, Cute pictures. I always love your pictures.
How are you feeling? I hope you are doing well. I am so excited for you guys.

Aaron said...

So fun. They are getting so big. Glad you enjoyed a little picnic together. Happy Summer

Aaron said...

ummmmm Aaron is me.....Bethany. I think my hubby has been on my computer. HEE HEE No stalker.

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back! I love picnics. Looks like you guys had a good time.

Anonymous said...

very cute :-)

Jane said...

That camera takes really clear photos!
~mom jane

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Oh I am jealous! The weather here is starting to get really cold...I wish summer was back already!!
Hope everything is going well with you and bub :-)
Your boys are so adorable!!!