The sky is clear today. About time. SHEESH! I thought for awhile there we really lived in Washington state.This is the first full week we've had since Liam's birth that Justin has worked a full week, and it's been just the 3 boys and I. The last month and a half has been full. It's been fun, it's been a bit of a blur, but it was good.
Now that I have the house to myself again I have to admit I feel a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I should have prepared myself better, but I also know nothing really could have prepared me for the reality that :
I have 3 THREE kids.
Not only three kids but 3 BOYS...2 of whom like to wrestle (I'm sure Liam will join as soon as he can) ... A LOT. What's the story with that? It's not like I sat down with them, got down on my knees and outstretched my arms with curled fingers and said;
"Let's get ready to rrrruuummmmbbbbllleeee!"
That would make an interesting video though.
The thing is I used to get upset at them wrestling, but then I realized how much they were loving it, giggling with each other, so now I usually let it go. I only make them stop when I see that it is getting out of control...and sometimes I join in. SOMETIMES.
This week has been tiring. Liam has turned on me a bit. Last night I was up until 2:30 with him. I could
bore you with PLENTY of stories about different "events" that have happened with each of the boys, but I won't.
If any of you are still reading, I'm sure you're wondering why I have a picture of Flavor Flav on my blog.
I've been having some REALLY ODD dreams the past few weeks. A few nights ago I had a dream that me...and some other girl were Flav's body guards...we had guns...and we wore chains.
Like I said....ODD.
Anyway.Friday I go for my six week post-birth checkup. That scale is haunting me. HAUNTING. I'm not sure why I expect the pounds to just FALL off.
Well, yes actually I do know why. There are women who come home from the hospital in (or nearly in) their pre-pregnancy pants! What is up with that? Namely 7 of the 8 of the women who were pregnant from our church...I being the 8th who feels like I have not lost one SINGLE pound.
I also now have HIPS. I've never really had hips or a rear end for that matter...but now I have hips ...BIG ONES... and don't even get me started on how SICK of elastic waist pants I am. UGH! I have one pair of "fat" pants that fit...correction...that I can button but I WILL NOT be buying pants that read 10 . I can't do it.
All I know is those Hips have gotstogo!
Sorry. I know, it's not Monday...and only Mondays are for complaining. Well...only according to me.
Like I said. OVERWHELMED. How do you people with 3+ kids do it?
Again's all worth it.
All for this little guy....and the two others.