Monday, May 11, 2009

...oh yeah, it's Monday.

my dryer doesn't run.

mmmm...nothing like moldy clothes.



Anonymous said...

Haha I love the diagram!

Kimberly said...

My washer and dryer are on the fritz too. It is awesome, no?

Megan said...

yikes! you better go buy yourself some new shoes.

Justin said...

I bet I can fix it now that you have posted the schematics...and yes, I just used the word "schematics." Now what.

Bethany said...

Stinks....whatever you do don't call sears to fix it....or it won't be fixed for over a month. HA HA.

Chad said...

i don't understand what the prob is, you husband is the wizard of fixing appliances...especially with a schematic! as long as we a through talking about swine flu!

Busch family said...

So sorry Anne! I hope nothing you really liked was ruined. Do you have a washline or something to use til it gets fixed? Hope the fixing happens soon! What a nice gift for the day after Mother's day, right? :)

Anonymous said...

So, last weeks ju ju continues into this week?? :) Sorry. That happened to mine too, last year, and it was such a pain. I had to take stuff to the laundromat. Thankfully, there's one around the corner from me. Maybe one of your friends will let you dry some loads at their place.

Annika said...

Oh of the ONLY reasons I'm glad I don't own a home yet...the upkeep! So sorry! You posted this Monday...fixed yet? It's so hard to be without when you have little kids!!