Monday, June 01, 2009

St. Ann Seton Fair.

St.AnnSetonFair, originally uploaded by olives on a monday.

Our neighborhood is right next to a catholic church that has a fair at the end of May EVERY year.
When the weekend arrives our streets are FILLED with people and cars whereas our neigborhood is usualy very quiet as there is really only one way out!
It's fun to have the sights and sounds for a few days, but NOT on Saturday Morning when they blocked the street out of our hood for the NUN RUN!
Darn NUNS!


Anonymous said...

A nun run? Hilarious! Love this shot. The blues and greens are so vibrant!

Megan said...

nuns just wanna have fun, anne.

"mimi" said...

you are so not kidding.

KT said...

I would pay good money to see a couple of the nuns at Edgewood run in a race...laughing at the thought...

Did you take the boys to ride on the some the kiddie rides?

Alec Wojciechowski said...

You're a nun!