Monday, November 02, 2009

the dr. & bakugan dan.

dr. swanson 10.31.2009
I think Dr. suits the L-man pretty nicely.

Dan {evan} 10.31.2009

Evan was this Bakugan character...even though neither of us really have a clue what Bakugan is.
He also called the trick-or-treaters "customers"

poor Max wasn't feeling so hot on Saturday, so I didn't get any pictures of him in his Power Rangers get-up. He did inform me he would like some photographic evidence that he was, indeed the Red Power Ranger.


Tarrah said...

He is such a cute little Dr :)

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

What cuties. I love thr Dr. costume.

Poor Max sick. I hope he is feeling better.