Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Graco

After consulting prices and what I really wanted in a stroller I ended up with the Graco Iconic. So far it has been an amazing stroller. The boys willingly sit in it, and it is easy to push, has cupholders for each of us, folds up easily. My hope is that it holds up well through the next few years as we use it...because I do not want to have to deal with customer service. Loving it for now though!


Ashleigh said...

Glad you decided on one! We love our Graco, hopefully you'll continue to enjoy yours. Cute pictures of the boys. Love the one of Evan smiling.

Anonymous said...

Really cute!!!

KT said...

Good Pick! They look so happy! I think your mom and dad are really excited about seeing you guys! I know I would be!

sunnyday eggs said...

They are so cute!!

Bethany said...

Awww cute pic. I wish you the best. Maybe they have improved I am sure they have...looks better than mine. My wheel almost feel off at Disney last week. HEE HEE. I would have just left it there and walked off if it had. Do have to say the bonus of my duck taped one is I never have to worry about it getting stolen.

Anonymous said...

They look happy and it looks like a sleek ride!