Monday, May 21, 2007

random thoughts on my husband

Today the boys and I picked Just up from the airport, and it was pretty cool because Max, Ev, and I parked in the "bus only" lane (the airport here is never busy!) for a bit while we waited and saw two planes take off and two land...including Daddys!
When I saw Just come out of the terminal it was like I fell in love all over again. He looked so dang good and I was so happy to see him...I guess I did not realize how much I missed him over the weekend. I would have loved to have gone with to the wedding but after what we paid for his suit, the plane ticket costs, and hotel it was best that I stayed back with the boys.
Anyway, I was just thinking about how much I love him, all the laughs we have shared, how well we get each other, how thankful I am to have him as my partner through life, how much he has done for me and our boys. We will be celebrating five years of marriage this year, and we sure have been through a lot in those five years. The trials we have endured have only made us stronger and grow even more in our love for one another and for Christ.

I love you Just, thanks for taking this journey through life with me.


Ashleigh said...

Anne, what a sweet post. Whenever Ted is away for a couple days, or I'm gone somewhere with the girls for an extended amount of time, it always serves to remind me of how much I love and appreciate him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Babe. I wish you could have come with me too! I missed you tons! I Love You, Just

Zoanna said...

Aw, I love this post. I can feel the passion. Bet he wasted no time reciprocating the feelings!

Anonymous said...

How daring of Justin to reply in the comment box! Does he think he's one of us, huh? HUH? JK. Chad would never comment. He reads my blog like it's his second job, but he'd never comment. So cute, and such a nice post! If you can't tell, work has been so busy, I haven't been able to read blogs, write blogs or comment. Hope you are well! Miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Aw, so sweet. I know the feeling. Josh reads my blog regularly too, and every once in a while comments, although usually he just makes his comments to me at the dinner table.