Tuesday, May 09, 2006

baby talk.

So two of the three babies are named. Ours being the no name...seems wrong since I am such a planner!
Daughter of Wally and Vanessa: Samantha Schoen Boss.
Son of Marc and Nicole : Miles Aaron Tantillo
us?: no idea!
This little one has been VERY active. Maxwell was active, but this baby is going all of the time...makes me wonder if this one will be a handful. Not that Maxwell has not been a handful lately. But he is a toddler, it comes with the territory right? The hardest part about the age Maxwell is at is communication. He can say some words, and a lot of times we can guess what he wants through gestures, but he gets frustrated, as do we when we are not understanding each other. It is going to be interesting to see how it all works out when this new one arrives. I admit I am a little sad to see some of our time together diminish when the baby comes, but glad to give Maxwell a sibling, and for us to have another child!
Pray that all the Mommies would stay healthy and the babies would have a safe and healthy delivery.
We are so excited to meet them all!
(photo by my Dad at Easter- Me: 22weeks, Nessa: 24 weeks, Nic:17 weeks.)


Bethany said...

How fun to be preggers with all your friends. I was pregnant with my sister who is my best friend with my first. It was so fun. We were a month apart.

Danielle said...

Cute top, Anne! You're a stylin' momma!

Anonymous said...

How cute you all are!! My son was very active in the womb and he continues to be to this day. So far she has not been all that active, comparing pregnancies. Which I'm hopeful means that she'll be a nice laid back little thing :-) It'll be fun to see their personalities in just a short while!

Ashleigh said...

My second daughter was VERY active in the womb, but she turned out to be the more laid back of my two girls. Although, she does love to wave her arms around and kick her legs. :-)

How far apart will your two kids be? Mine are 18 months.

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