Thursday, September 18, 2008

adventures on the see-saw

Thanks for the see-saw Grandpa & Grandma! It is well loved.


Megan said...

too cute. so is that how it is? max does all the work, and evan just holds on and enjoys the ride? way to exploit the height of your older brother, evan!


Anonymous said...

Ok, that just totally makes my day! I'm so happy that it works so well for them, even tho' Max has to do all the 'heavy liftin'!
Great video!
~love granma jane and auntie jaimee

Anonymous said...

very adorable! your boys are too cute for words.

Kimberly said...

SO CUTE! Those boys are adorable. What fun. Though I can tell you that thing is gonna turn into a weapon somehow, some way. Or maybe a lizard launcher. Boys are just good at that, aren't they?

Connie said...

So very cute. You do a great job with videoing and putting to music. I have not ventured into adding music to any videos yet, because I am so impatient in waiting for the loading process. But I sure do love to watch others who do it.

Bethany said...

Sooooo cute. I love the little break for the arhs. Little boys. So fun. I want to ride on a see saw.