Wednesday, April 22, 2009

so proud.

just. , originally uploaded by olives on a monday.

Today my sweet husband came home and casually mentioned he got a promotion and a raise!
Needless to say, I'm SO proud of him. He works VERY hard, and I'm so happy to have him as my husband.
I'm also VERY thankful. I know many have lost jobs or have had to take pay cuts. We have truly been blessed, and I hope we can use this extra income to be able to help others who may need it.
We also {happily} are staying put. Last week Justin was at a Leadership conference and they asked him to take a position in Maryland, and after prayerful consideration we decided to stay where we were for now. It would be SO HARD to leave our church and {amazing} friends right now.
I LOVE you Just...and I'm SO proud and thankful for you!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the promotion & raise!

So you're not moving to MD? (Disappointed sigh.) Too bad. Although it sounds to me you made a wise decision. Maybe in a few more years . . . ;)

Ashleigh said...

Congratulations!!! That's wonderful!

Sarah G. said...

AWESOME NEWS!!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

That is great news! Although I am a tad sad (ha!) that I won't be living close to you I am happy for you all.

Alec said...

Congrats. Send some of that money my way, I NEED it.

KT said...

Congrats! I am so happy that you are happy and that blessing are showering down!

Katie said...

In this economy that is a wonderful thing indeed!! Congratulations and praise God!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I just noticed that he is rockin the pin stripes, a nice tie, Goose's sunglasses, and then there is a big jucy port-a-potty in the background . . . that makes my day!