Monday, October 09, 2006

The weekend.

Marc & Miles, Justin & Evan

Maxwell looks so huge!

Evan and Miles...

The Tantillos came for a visit this past weekend,
and since Evan was not allowed in his room at
the hospital, Evan and Miles met for the first time!
Sue, Vanessa, and Samantha came on Friday for
the day too, but we (of course) didn't break out
the cameras before they left! Duh! Next time!
My brother Alec came too to meet all the babies,
but of course...forgot the camera. Usually I am
really good about taking pictures. I have been a
bit space cadet lately! Good to see everybody though!


Ashleigh said...

So fun seeing the babies together!

Ashleigh said...

Oh, and Maxwell looks so happy to be hanging out with the little ones!

Anonymous said...

so cute. How fun to have them together.