I love Christmas. It is by far my most favorite time of year. Minus the Wisconsin bitter cold winds and snow. I do love all the hustle and bustle, I do not mind the busy stores, the constant Christmas music, and all the decor. In fact, I love it all. I love buying gifts for family and friends even though it is always harder than you think to pick out gifts for each individual person in your family.
Christmas trees, decor, music, and presents are all fine things to enjoy, but are we enjoying them too much? Have we forgotten the true reason we celebrate Christmas? In this country, without a doubt.
In fact, we have taken Christ completely out of Christmas. It is
unfortunate really that we get so caught up in the holly and jolly that we forget all about why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. I mean we do not exactly know that Jesus was born on December 25
th of whatever year it was, but the reason we do celebrate Christmas as Christians is to remember his birth. To think about and praise God that he sent his son so that we might be saved. Tinsel, trees, and toys cannot make us happy (maybe for a short while) but a relationship with our Savior can bring us joy everlasting. Christ coming to earth, leading a perfect life and then giving his own life for us on the cross is
certainly a reason to be joyful and
Try to remember that this season...
amidst all the cookies, presents, bows, and
mistletoe that the real good tidings and great joy is knowing Christ, having a relationship with him forever!
I also encourge you to check out
THIS poem by John Piper.