Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Funny, Right? I laughed outloud.

Here is our week so far...

Monday...we got a new car. A good thing, I can now leave the house during the day and do errands and such instead of at night and on the weekends. But Monday night we noticed our heater pretty much sounded like an airplane was constantly flying over the house.

Our downstairs heater, needs to be replaced...a couple thousand dollars cost. Sigh.
We also remember (we thought if maybe we forgot the problem would go away) that our (brand new) water heater is not working. (No, we have not been taken cold showers; we have a seperate heater for our bathroom. ) The guy that came out to look at it was really sweet. He was probably in his 70's and was calling me honey and stuff. He was really helpful and even recommended and called a friend of his to come out and give us an estimate on the new heater and furnace. He told me to also call a few more people to get a few estimates on the job. He was a nice man, and he did not charge me a dime to come out and look at the heater, and he even checked out our water heater, and gave me some tips to make our heat run more effiecently. That was a good thing.
Which brings me back to Monday and the car...still good, but makes me sicker than I already felt (I always get that sick feeling after a big purchase) because now we are going to be shelling out thousands of dollars in the next few days.! I feel guilty for getting it since we have all these other expenses and just feel stupid. I have spent a good portion of today crying. I know that it is just money and that there are MUCH bigger things to worry and be upset about, but it is still stressful.

Needless to say I have been on the phone for endless amounts of hours trying to get this all worked out. There are some long stories behind all the problems too, but I will spare you the boring details...not that this post really is exciting or anything...but anyway.


On a good note though, I had an amazing quiet time this morning...God is so comforting, so awesome, so perfect. I am thankful to know him.


KT said...

Oh Anne! I am so sorry. I know that when the Lord really puts the pressure and stress on that it is really put on. But, I will be praying for you. Remember that God owns a cattle on a thousand hills (I don't know where I got that from the Bible, but I always am thinking that he will provide as money to get to Madison for school). He will provide and he is soooo capible of providing for his sheep! I miss you too!!!!!
Jordan told our BS last night that he was coming down to see you all! I hope you have a good time with him!

Bethany said...

So where is the pic of your new car???

Houses seem to be endless list of broken things to fix and expenses...welcome to the club.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what kind of car did you get? Oh yeah, welcome to house woes . . . and joys! :)

Sara said...

I can totally sympathize with you - I have a hard time getting totally excited about a new big purchase because I know it comes with a big price. And then to be blindsided by necessary house repairs! But it WILL be okay - go ahead and have your tears, but you have needed a car for a while, and you definitely need a new water heater. It's going to be worth it in the end because you're making your boys' lives and your lives better.

And I think your mom's right. :)

Ashleigh said...

Anne, I remember when we bought our new van and our house within a month of each other. We were excited and a bit sick to have made two huge purchases so close together.

I'll be praying!

Jacob and/or Karen said...

I love the description of the sick feeling. I thought that was just me. Getting settled in our new house has been horrible, especially as we constantly look at the palace we are building in comparison with most of the people in this country. And I think it is good to feel the weight of that responsibility especially since we definitely still make mistakes in purchasing and other money matters. This week we videoed our househelper working her way through my wallet after we noticed a large some of money missing. Anyway, don't forget that this was not really even a mistake on your part, but just a rust and moth reminder from Him. I find myself so thankful that when I really am stupid, He has that under control too. I always remember Pastor John talking about building the room for Jared and almost busting his foot, but grace saved him from his own stupidity. I think that last phrase will be on my grave stone. Anyway, what's your new car? A hummer, I hear that's the car you need to buy if you really want to protect yourself from Providence ever ruining your ride. If it's just a tool to use for His glory, praise God that you bought it before your heater died. Otherwise you might have been guilted into not getting something you needed. And also praise Him that you are not ruined by a loss of thousands. I have just been thinking of that lately, how many times I have biffed in the hundreds or thousands range. If that happens here, it's all over for years, a decade or life. Feel the responsibility, but not to such an extent that you stop trusting Him and thinking you have ruined everything. Anyway, thanks for letting us know about your blog. It has been encouraging right off the bat. Oh, and of course, we will be praying that your heating problems come to a soon and smooth conclusion.

Zoanna said...

Aww, I'm sorry. I've been in that situation, too but "this, too, shall pass." It helps to make a written list, not just a sweeping "it could have been worse" mental note, of all your blessings at such a time. When you get to 21 things, I bet you'll feel the load lift a bit. Besides, you can always drive your new vehicle to a campsite if you need:) (I was gonna say hotel, but that smacks of more money). First Peter 5:8